"Chronicle" is a project proposed by IMAGO member Ellen Kuras ASC. The project reflects a ”creative visual time stamp” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world. It promises to become a document for prosperity and represents a powerful use of the talent and …
Recent News
Authors’ Organisations Joint Statement on COVID-19 Crisis
As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages our societies, including the cultural and creative sectors, authors’ organizations stand in solidarity with all those affected by the virus and we support measures taken to contain it. …
President’s message
Dear friends and colleagues, It was, of course, a great disappointment for us all that IMAGO´s General Assembly and Awards Gala in Brussel was decided to be cancelled already on the first day of the Assembly due to the rapidly emerging Covid-19 situation. …
Understanding ACES Device Transforms
ACES is the future of professional colour management for our industry and is already being used by Netflix and the Hollywood studios because of the efficiency and quality it delivers. The term "Device Transform” is a relatively new one to most …
Preventing Damage to SDI Outputs
Introduction Under certain conditions the SDI outputs of cameras can be damaged through a power surge. This can be avoided by connecting power and BNC cables in a particular order and by using shielded power cables and high quality undamaged BNC …
Why aren’t there more female cinematographers?
Erika Addis. (Photo: Erin Lee) Erika Addis, head of cinematography at Griffith Film School and Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) Queensland president and national vice-president, chairs ACS’ Women’s Advisory Panel. She reflects on why cinematography …
Congratulations to all winners and nominees …
The Canon XF705 camcorder, in La Música del Cacao
Talking to Alfonso Parra ADFCBy Adriana Bernal ADFC La Música del Cacao (The Cocoa Music) is a documentary film that blends cultures, landscapes and societies through music and the cocoa growing, throughout South America. It is an ongoing project and that it …
(28-02-2020) Due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) crisis that burst from China and spreading around the world and in Europe in particular in North Italy, AIC was forced to postpone the Micro Salon to 16-17-18 May. Italian government is taking strong measures to …
Cine Gear Expo 2020 / Attendee Registration is open.
Cine Gear Expo 2020 is the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the film and entertainment technology industry. The show lasts four days in Los Angeles this June 4 – 7 at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, California. …
IMAGO Conference on Working Conditions Berlin
In a collaboration with Interface Film in Vienna, IMAGO arranges round table conference on working conditions for cinematographers and the film industry in Berlin. Date: Monday 24th of February, conference starts 09.30.Location: Brunnenstrasse 69, 13355 …