(Belgrade 15 March 2019 ) Paul René Roestad FNF was re-elected during the annual assembly held in Belgrade Serbia for another term of three years as President of IMAGO.
The existing Board was re-elected except for Daniele Nannuzzi AIC who wished to withdraw and he was replaced by Alex Lindén FSF. The rest of the board remained for another 3 year period as governors of the Federation. Two vice-presidents Nina Kellgren BSC and Rolf Coulanges BVK along with the board members: Alex Linden FSF, Elen Lotman ESC, Predrag Bambic SAS and Ron Johanson ACS. Louis Philippe-Capelle, SBC continues as general secretary and sponsor administrator. Tony Costa AIP will continue as website editor and Awards coordinator and Dr Cristina Busch remains legal adviser of IMAGO.
During the General Assembly it was approved that the federation would change it’s name from European Federation to International Federation. This took place and was agreed upon due to the fact so many societies outside of Europe have joined IMAGO in recent years and there was no reason to retain the European Federation name. This is seen as a great step forward and continues the growth of IMAGO and it’s representation of all cinematographers universally
Committees have been also approved and the extensive list of them is below for your reference.
IMAGO Technology Committee:
Philippe Ros AFC (co-chairman)
Mick van Rossum NSC (co-chairman)
Kommer Klejin SBC
Joe Dunton BSC
Szymon Lenkowski PSC
Alex Lindén FSF (co-chairman)
John Christian Rosenlund FNF
Anders Holck DFF
Patrick Lindenmaier SCS
Jannicke Mikkelsen FNF
Claire Pijman NSC
Pieter De Vries ACS
Zekeriya T. Kurtulus GYD
Aleksej Berkovic RGC
Juan Antonio Fernandez AEC
Alex Sterian RSC
Master Class Committee:
Ron Johanson OAM ACS
Tahvo Hirvonen FSC
Arbel Rom ACT
Teresa Medina Amorós AEC
Diversity and Inclusion Committee:
Nina Kellgren BSC (Chair)
Elen Lotman Elen ESC (Chair)
Louis Philippe Capelle SBC
Alfredo Altamirano AMC
Astrid Heubrandtner AAC
Alex Linden FSF
Birgit Gudjonsdottir BVK
Claire Pijman NSC
Casper Hoyberg DFF
Ron Johansen ACS
Roger Simonz BSC
Velinda Wardell ACS
Maria Soloviova, RGC
Raquel Fernandez AEC
Authorship Committee:
Luciano Tovoli AIC Coordinator
Cristina Bush Legal Adviser
Arko Okk ESC
Simon Plum DFF
Nigel Walters BSC
Barry Ackroyd BSC
Sergey Trofimov RGC
Senior Advisers
Vittorio Storaro AIC Senior Adviser
Jost Vacano BVK
Social Dialogue and Working Conditions Committee:
Rolv Haan FNF
Kurt Brazda AAC
Igor Klebanov RGC
Election Committee:
Kurt Brazda AAC
Jan Weincke DFF
Herman Verschuur NSC
Education Committee:
Tony Costa AIP (Chairman)
Marijke Van Kets SBC
Gaby Reisinger AAC
Jean-Paul Jarry (IAD France)
Ella van den Hove SBC
Erika Addis ACS
Timo Heinanen FSC
George Willis CSC
Alex Sterian RSC
Birgit Gudjonsdottir BVK
Anton Yaremchuk UGC
Rolf Coulanges BVK
Vladimir Klimov RGC