Cine Eye is a website focused on cinematographers and cinematography equipment. The Cine Eye covers reports on the industry of professional Cine and TV equipment by posting news about the craft and interviewing professionals like bringing cinematographers and industry experts together to discuss the latest trends and issues of the market.
A wide coverage of interviews and articles from recent shows in Munich’s CINEC and London’s the BSC Show can be found.
See coverage of interviews conducted with leading Cinematographers including Nic Knowland BSC, Guillermo Navarro ASC, Tim Palmer BSC, Kate Reid BSC and others
Watch all of the videos conducted at BSC Expo at – these include interviews with industry experts from Sony, Cinemoves, Panavision, Kino Flo, Sigma, DMG Lumiere, Chroma-Q, Cooke Optics, Litegear, Kodak, Canon, ARRI, Zeiss, P&S Technik + many more.