The full associate member of IMAGO, the ACT, the Israeli Society of Cinematographers is hosting this year the traditional annual General Assembly. The meeting will be taking place on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October in the city of Jerusalem. As usual the general assembly gathers more than 50 delegates representing
some of the 48 societies represented in the Federation. This year elections for a new board will take place. The new board of governors will take over IMAGO affairs for the next term of 3 years. The welsh Nigel Walters from BSC has been the president since 2008. He was elected at the general assembly which took place in Amsterdam. Our hosts the ACT has all fully arranged for the 3 day meeting.
Any information for your arrival, your stay please contact with the organization directly to Noa Ben Izahk
For society representatives documentation for IAGA can be consulted under MEMBERS SECTION.