Dear Member Society,
The IMAGO Election Committee is pleased to announce the call for candidates for the following positions to be elected during the online IMAGO Extraordinary General Assembly (IEGA) on May 25th, 2024:
– 12 seats on the IMAGO Board including:
– 1 seat for Vice-President or Co-Vice-President
– 1 seat for General Secretary
– 1 seat for Controller (non-board member & non-voting)
We encourage all interested members to submit their candidacy to contribute effectively to IMAGO’s growth and improvement.
Nominations must include a letter from the candidate’s member society, signed by two Board members, specifying the desired position, and confirming the candidate is running with the society’s approval. Please send nominations to by April 25, 2024, to be eligible for election.
To ensure a smooth voting process during the IEGA, it is of utmost importance that every society provides IMAGO with a verifiable voting e-mail address, and the name of your designated voting delegate. This information must be signed by two Board members from your society, allowing your designated voting delegate to cast her/his votes on the secret ballots. Please note that failure to provide a verifiable voting e-mail address prior to the IEGA will result in the inability to vote. Kindly send this information to: by May 20, 2024.
Please bear in mind that, as per IMAGO Statutes, only full members in good standing are eligible to participate in the voting process. We kindly request you to review your records and ensure that the invoice sent by our treasury has been paid before the IEGA.
We, the Election Committee will verify eligibility, prepare a candidate list, and publish it on the IMAGO website for evaluation. The candidates are also encouraged to provide personal statements for their candidacy to be published in the members-only section of the website.
As per Article 25.2 of the Statutes, each IMAGO Board member (with voting rights) should originate from a different full member association. While multiple candidates per society are allowed, we recommend one candidate per society.
Additional instructions regarding the voting process, as well as the link for the online IEGA will be sent to you well in advance by the Election Committee and the Administration.
Please contact us with any questions.
Thank you,